Seagate ST2000LM010-1RA174 Data Recovery

ST2000LM010-1RA174 data recovery

The Seagate ST2000LM010-1RA174 is a 2TB hard drive commonly found in laptops and external storage devices. While it offers significant storage capacity, it is not immune to failures. Here are some of the most frequent problems that can lead to data loss:

  • Clicking Noises: A repetitive clicking or ticking sound often indicates internal mechanical failure, typically caused by malfunctioning read/write heads.
  • Failure to Spin Up: In some cases, the drive fails to spin up, pointing to PCB (Printed Circuit Board) issues or motor seizure.
  • Firmware Corruption: Seagate drives are known for occasional firmware glitches, which can render the drive inaccessible even though it appears to be functioning.
  • Bad Sectors: Over time, bad sectors can accumulate, leading to slow performance or complete drive inaccessibility.
  • Logical Damage: File system corruption or accidental formatting can result in data loss despite the drive being physically intact.
  • Overheating: Poor ventilation or extended use can cause overheating, resulting in sudden drive failure.

If you're experiencing any of these issues with your Seagate ST2000LM010-1RA174, don't hesitate to contact Zero Alpha Data Recovery to organise a free assessment.

ST2000LM010-1RA174 Data Recovery Case Log

19March2025: Drive comes ready with full ID and capacity. Can view SMART - some G-sense errors but otherwise ok. No access to data area through normal ATA commands, the drive status goes to ABRT error. Encrypted sectors can be viewed when read via utility. Data is accessible after restoring copy 0 of SED config system file 1D2 from copy 1.

Initially attempted to restore 1D2 from 1D1. This allowed data area access, but did not decrypt the data! The only difference was a single bit flip at byte offset 0x1BE0. This differed in both original copies of 1D2, and was the only difference from the working 1D2 used (apart from checksum word obviously).