Patient has USB PCB 100760718 Rev C. This is compatible with the SATA PCB 100720903 Rev 04.

Have limited data access. Not able to read the whole MFT. Able to (very slowly) read some files, but frequently get read errors.

SATA Conversion Procedure:

  • Connect terminal to patient drive. Will need to use the test points, as there are no pins. This hddoracle post has some information regarding finding the terminal points.

  • Read ROM via terminal in Samsung Spinpoint USB utility
  • Connect donor SATA PCB to PC3000 (including terminal)
  • Start the Samsung Spinpoint utility, manually selecting the correct drive family (need to do this because the PCB stays BSY, everything is done through terminal).
  • Write the patient ROM to the donor board via terminal
  • Can swap the PCBs now

After SATA conversion, have full data access. Able to read all data at expected speeds without error.