Seagate ST9500424AS Data Recovery

The Seagate ST9500424AS is a 500GB hard drive often used in laptops and portable devices. Part of the Momentus series, it is renowned for its reliability and performance. However, despite its robust design, this model can experience issues leading to data inaccessibility.

Seagate momentus ST9500424AS 500gb data recovery

Common Issues Leading to Data Inaccessibility

Various factors can cause a Seagate ST9500424AS drive to stop reading:

  1. Physical Damage: Impacts, such as dropping the drive or experiencing a power surge, can result in physical damage that affects the drive's operation.
  2. Firmware Corruption: The firmware, essential for communication between the hardware and computer, can become corrupted, leading to the drive not being recognized.
  3. Mechanical Failures: Problems like a stuck read/write head, spindle motor failure, or worn-out components can prevent the drive from functioning correctly.
  4. Logical Errors: File system corruption, accidental deletion, or malware attacks can also render the drive unreadable.

Seagate ST9500424AS pcb 100619769 rev a data recovery

pcb 100619769 REV A

Our Data Recovery Process

At Zero Alpha Data Recovery, we follow a systematic process to recover data from your Seagate ST9500424AS drive:

1. Initial Assessment

We start with a detailed assessment to determine the extent and nature of the problem. Our technicians utilize specialized tools to diagnose whether the issue is physical, firmware-related, mechanical, or logical.

2. Clean Room Evaluation

For drives with physical or mechanical damage, we perform an in-depth evaluation in our state-of-the-art clean room environment. This controlled setting ensures that the drive's sensitive components are protected from dust and static electricity, preventing further damage.

3. Data Extraction

Based on our diagnosis, we use advanced data extraction techniques suited to the specific issue:

  • For Physical Damage: We may replace damaged components or use proprietary tools to temporarily stabilize the drive for data extraction.
  • For Firmware Issues: Our experts can repair or replace the corrupted firmware to restore the drive's readability.
  • For Mechanical Failures: We utilize specialized equipment to carefully extract data from drives with mechanical issues.
  • For Logical Errors: We employ sophisticated software to recover data from corrupted file systems or deleted partitions.

4. Data Verification and Delivery

Once the data is recovered, we conduct a thorough verification to ensure its integrity. After confirmation, the recovered data is transferred to a secure storage device and delivered to you in your preferred format.

Why Choose Zero Alpha Data Recovery?

Expertise and Experience

Our team consists of seasoned professionals with extensive experience in data recovery from various storage devices, including Seagate drives. We stay current with the latest advancements in data recovery technology to provide the best possible service.

Advanced Tools and Facilities

Our clean room and state-of-the-art tools enable us to handle even the most challenging recovery scenarios. We invest in cutting-edge technology to ensure high success rates and data integrity.

Customer-Centric Approach

We understand the emotional and practical value of your data. Our customer-centric approach ensures transparent communication, quick turnaround times, and utmost confidentiality.

No Data, No Charge Policy

We stand by our commitment to successful data recovery. If we are unable to recover your data, you won’t be charged for our services.


If your Seagate ST9500424AS drive has stopped reading, don't despair. Zero Alpha Data Recovery is here to assist you. With our expertise, advanced tools, and customer-focused approach, we strive to recover your invaluable data efficiently and securely. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help with your data recovery needs.

Data Recovery Log


Model : ST9500424AS
Serial : 5WR0HRWQ
Firmware : 0001BSM1
Capacity : 500 GB (976 773 168)

Switching HDD power supply ON
Family ID by HDD ID: 42
Selected  Family ID: 42
Selected family......................... : 42, Desaru
Model by ID............................. : ST9500424AS                             

Loading default settings!
Use the options dialog to review and save utility settings.
Then press OK!

Family default settings loading!

Tech Key...
Requesting FW Pkg ver ........ DS1567.BSM1.BE0362.0001BSM1
Detecting SA Phys Sct Size...
Result.................................. : 512
Detecting UA Phys Sct Size...
Result.................................. : 4096
Detecting Max Head number...
Phys. heads............................. : 3
Obtaining Saved Mode Pages File information...
Reading Saved Mode Pages...
Parsing Saved Mode Pages...
SMP Dbl: 0x3C001000 - 0x0001FFFF (0x0000000F)
LBA alignment........................... : 0
Obtaining Registry File information...
Reading Registry File...
Parsing Registry File...

Media Cache
MC is not supported / NVC caching
Collecting Sys Files information...
  ID        Len
   0          2  Reserved Defect Table (SA defect table)
   1          2  Drive Information File (DIF)
   2         16  Performance Parameter File (PPF)
   3       1880  Primary Defect File (P-List)
   4          9  Servo Adaptive Parameter File (SAP)
   5          4  Manufacturing Information File (MIF)
   6         66  Read Adaptive Parameters File (RAP)
   7          1  Controller Adaptive Parameters File (CAP)
   8       2400  
   9          1  SMART Configuration File
   A       2251  SMART Data File
   B       1000  
   C      64000  Serial Port Test Results File (Self Scan Log)
   D        160  
   E        432  Data Integrity Check (DIC), HEAD 0
   F        223  DIC Dummy File
  13          8  Disc Registry File (settings, security, etc)
  15        100  BGMS File (Directed Offline Scan)
  16          2  
  17         40  
  19         24  Log File
  1A         33  Log File
  1B          1  Log File
  1C          9  
  1D        128  Physical Overlay File 0
  1E        128  Physical Overlay File 1
  1F        640  Physical Overlay File 2
  22         80  Drive Self Test (DST), Head 0
  23         80  Drive Self Test (DST), Head 1
  24         80  Drive Self Test (DST), Head 2
  2A          9  Saved Mode Pages (HDD settings)
  2B        506  R/W Operating Parameters (translator, etc)
  2C        432  Data Integrity Check (DIC), HEAD 1
  2D        432  Data Integrity Check (DIC), HEAD 2
  33       4576  
  34        640  Packed CONGEN XML definition
  35         26  SMART Data
  3A          4  
  3D       1800  Disc firmware container 1
  3E       1800  Disc firmware container 2
  3F       4576  SED parameters
  40          6  SED parameters
  41       2180  SED parameters
Collecting Sys File Infos completed
Collecting DT Infos...
  ID     MemOffs        Len
   0    40041200      33792  Read Adaptive Parameters File (RAP)
   1    40041000        512  Controller Adaptive Parameters File (CAP)
   4       11800       6144  Servo Adaptive Parameter File (SAP)
   5       6C000      81920  Servo Firmware Table
   A    400D41E8       1024  Seek Profile
  13    400E0E84        864  Dependent Zone Table for User Area
  14    400E11E4         96  Dependent Zone Table for System Area
  15           0     524288  Flash ROM
  1B    400DEC88       8700  Dependent Zone Group Tables for User Area
  1C    400DEB48        320  Dependent Zone Group Tables for System Area
  1D    40041220        352  VBAR Configuration File
  1E    400414B0       2416  Zone Format Parameters File
  ID     MemOffs        Len
   0    40041200      33792  Read Adaptive Parameters File (RAP)
   1    40041000        512  Controller Adaptive Parameters File (CAP)
   2    40041380        304  Zone Table
   4       11800       6144  Servo Adaptive Parameter File (SAP)
   5       6C000      81920  Servo Firmware Table
   6      2DD5B8      40996  Servo Flaw Table
   A    400D41E8       1024  Seek Profile
  13    400E0E84        864  Dependent Zone Table for User Area
  14    400E11E4         96  Dependent Zone Table for System Area
  15           0     524288  Flash ROM
  16    40041200         32  Drive Configuration Table
  17    40043240       1216  Temperature Control Configuration
  1B    400DEC88       8700  Dependent Zone Group Tables for User Area
  1C    400DEB48        320  Dependent Zone Group Tables for System Area
  1D    40041220        352  VBAR Configuration File
  1E    400414B0       2416  Zone Format Parameters File
  1F    402446A8       1728  RW working user preamp table
  20    40244D68         72  RW working system preamp table
Collecting DT Infos completed
System Files I/O method detection... ATA(direct)
Reading autotuning buffer...............   Ok
Buff Root FAT searching  in RAM.........   Ok
Searching module table in RAM... .......   Ok
Searching DT table(RAM, WR) in RAM......   Ok
Searching DT table(RAM, RD) in RAM......   Ok
Searching volume 0 file table in RAM....   Ok
Searching volume 1/2 file table in RAM...   Ok
Searching volume 3 file table in RAM....   Ok
Searching volume 4/5 file table in RAM...   Ok
Request for volume 9/A file allocation table in RAM   Ok
Searching SMP RAM FID in RAM............   Ok
Searching Non Resident G-List FID in RAM   Ok
Searching CFW OVL FID in RAM............   Ok
Search for DBA Base in RAM..............   Ok
Search for RW Sys File DBA in RAM.......   Ok
Search for MCMT RAM FD in RAM...........   Error

Test  : Resource master copy creation in DB
Folder: /Desaru/ST9500424AS 0001BSM1 5WR0HRWQ


Saving ROM to DB
File  : <root>/Seagate F3 Architecture/Desaru/ST9500424AS 0001BSM1 5WR0HRWQ/ROM/ROM_5WR0HRWQ_1AB80831.bin
Result.................................. : Ok
Reading modules to DB
Folder: <root>/Seagate F3 Architecture/Desaru/ST9500424AS 0001BSM1 5WR0HRWQ/ModDir

Will be skipped : 000C, 000E, 000F, 0022, 0023, 0024, 002C, 002D

Module 0000, Reserved Defect Table (SA defect table).................. : Ok
Module 0001, Drive Information File (DIF)............................. : Ok
Module 0002, Performance Parameter File (PPF)......................... : Ok
Module 0003, Primary Defect File (P-List)............................. : Ok
Module 0004, Servo Adaptive Parameter File (SAP)...................... : Ok
Module 0005, Manufacturing Information File (MIF)..................... : Ok
Module 0006, Read Adaptive Parameters File (RAP)...................... : Ok
Module 0007, Controller Adaptive Parameters File (CAP)................ : Ok
Module 0008........................................................... : Ok
Module 0009, SMART Configuration File................................. : Ok
Module 000A, SMART Data File.......................................... : Ok
Module 000B........................................................... : Ok
Module 000D........................................................... : Ok
Module 0013, Disc Registry File (settings, security, etc)............. : Ok
Module 0015, BGMS File (Directed Offline Scan)........................ : Ok
Module 0016........................................................... : Ok
Module 0017........................................................... : Ok
Module 0019, Log File................................................. : Ok
Module 001A, Log File................................................. : Ok
Module 001B, Log File................................................. : Ok
Module 001C........................................................... : Ok
Module 001D, Physical Overlay File 0.................................. : Ok
Module 001E, Physical Overlay File 1.................................. : Ok
Module 001F, Physical Overlay File 2.................................. : Ok
Module 002A, Saved Mode Pages (HDD settings).......................... : Ok
Module 002B, R/W Operating Parameters (translator, etc)............... : Ok
Module 0033........................................................... : Ok
Module 0034, Packed CONGEN XML definition............................. : Ok
Module 0035, SMART Data............................................... : Ok
Module 003A........................................................... : Ok
Module 003D, Disc firmware container 1................................ : Ok
Module 003E, Disc firmware container 2................................ : Ok
Module 003F, SED parameters........................................... : Ok
Module 0040, SED parameters........................................... : Ok
Module 0041, SED parameters........................................... : Ok
Modules reading process completed
Reading HDD ID pages list...
Reading HDD ID pages...
ID Page 00............................................................ : Ok
ID Page 01............................................................ : Ok
ID Page 02............................................................ : Ok
ID Page 03............................................................ : Ok
ID Page 04............................................................ : Ok
ID Page 08............................................................ : Ok
ID Page 09............................................................ : Ok
ID Page 0A............................................................ : Ok
ID Page 0B............................................................ : Ok
ID Page 0C............................................................ : Ok
ID Page 0D............................................................ : Ok
ID Page 0E............................................................ : Ok
ID Page 0F............................................................ : Ok
Reading System Files to DB
Folder: <root>/Seagate F3 Architecture/Desaru/ST9500424AS 0001BSM1 5WR0HRWQ/SysFiles
Copies : 0 1

Sys File FC000000(0), Reserved Defect Table (SA defect table)......... : Ok
Sys File FC000000(1), Reserved Defect Table (SA defect table)......... : Ok
Sys File FC001203(0).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC001203(1).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC002204(0).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC002204(1).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC003205(0).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC003205(1).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC004206(0).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC004206(1).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC00520C(0).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC00520C(1).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC00620D(0), Disc firmware container 1....................... : Ok
Sys File FC00620D(1), Disc firmware container 1....................... : Ok
Sys File FC00720E(0), Disc firmware container 2....................... : Ok
Sys File FC00720E(1), Disc firmware container 2....................... : Ok
Sys File FC34501B(0), Primary Defect File (P-List).................... : Ok
Sys File FC34501B(1), Primary Defect File (P-List).................... : Ok
Sys File FC34D028(0), R/W Operating Parameters (translator, etc)...... : Ok
Sys File FC34D028(1), R/W Operating Parameters (translator, etc)...... : Ok
Sys File FC34F035(0), Non Resident G-List............................. : Ok
Sys File FC34F035(1), Non Resident G-List............................. : Ok
Sys File FC350036(0).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC350036(1).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC354100(0), Physical Overlay File 0......................... : Ok
Sys File FC354100(1), Physical Overlay File 0......................... : Ok
Sys File FC355101(0), Physical Overlay File 1......................... : Ok
Sys File FC355101(1), Physical Overlay File 1......................... : Ok
Sys File FC356102(0), Physical Overlay File 2......................... : Ok
Sys File FC356102(1), Physical Overlay File 2......................... : Ok
Sys File FC357103(0).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC357103(1).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC358104(0).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC358104(1).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC359105(0).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC359105(1).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC35A106(0).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC35A106(1).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC35B107(0).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC35B107(1).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC35C108(0).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC35C108(1).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC35D109(0).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC35D109(1).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC35E10A(0).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC35E10A(1).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC35F10B(0).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC35F10B(1).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC36010C(0).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC36010C(1).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC36110D(0).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC36110D(1).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC39710E(0).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC39710E(1).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC39810F(0).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC39810F(1).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC362110(0).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC362110(1).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC39419F(0).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC39419F(1).................................................. : Ok
Sys File FC38B1D1(0), SED parameters.................................. : Ok
Sys File FC38B1D1(1), SED parameters.................................. : Ok
Sys File FC3901D2(0), SED parameters.................................. : Ok
Sys File FC3901D2(1), SED parameters.................................. : Ok
Sys File FC37430A(0), Disc Registry File (settings, security, etc).... : Ok
Sys File FC37430A(1), Disc Registry File (settings, security, etc).... : Ok
System Files reading process completed
Reading loader data to DB (LDR)
Scanning LOD files...
Reading ROM...
Parsing container segment....... Flash ROM image
Segment: CFW
Parsing segment....... CFW
End parsing segment... CFW
Segment: CAP
Parsing segment....... CAP
End parsing segment... CAP
Segment: RAP
Parsing segment....... RAP
End parsing segment... RAP
Segment: SFW
Parsing segment....... SFW
End parsing segment... SFW
Segment: SHELL
Parsing segment....... SHELL
End parsing segment... SHELL
Segment: SAP
Parsing segment....... SAP
End parsing segment... SAP
Segment: IAP
Parsing segment....... IAP
End parsing segment... IAP
End parsing container segment... Flash ROM image
reading file FC354100...
   Importing: Overlay ID = 00
reading file FC355101...
   Importing: Overlay ID = 01
reading file FC356102...
reading file FC357103...
   Importing: Overlay ID = 04
reading file FC358104...
   Importing: Overlay ID = 05
reading file FC359105...
reading file FC35A106...
reading file FC37216D...
reading file FC39419F...
   Importing: Overlay ID = 06
reading file FC00620D...
Disk FW
Parsing container segment....... Flash ROM image
Empty container!
End parsing container segment... Flash ROM image
   Appending overlays...
reading file FC00720E...
Disk FW
Parsing container segment....... Flash ROM image
Empty container!
End parsing container segment... Flash ROM image
   Appending overlays...

Backup of service information completed

S.M.A.R.T. Data reading................. : Ok
Logical scan
Initial LBA............................. : 0
Final LBA............................... : 976 773 167
Data exchange mode...................... : UDMA133
Surface verification.................... : Yes
Random read............................. : No
Writing................................. : No
Reading................................. : No
HDD cache RAM test...................... : No
Scan direction.......................... : Forward
Pass count.............................. : 1
Save defects............................ : No
Don`t search sector where error occured. : No
HDD timeout............................. : 200 ms.
One LBA commands timeout................ : 30 ms.

Pass.................................... : 1
Test.................................... : Surface verification